It's already 2012! Wow...I can't believe it! I spent my New Years Eve eating Chinese (like I always do) and watched the ball drop with the dogs. I was house sitting, so no big plans. Everyone makes resolutions for the new year, and of course I do also. My big a better me. I'm trying to change the things I'm not crazy about. No, not so much loose all this weight, but be a healthier me.
I realized after watching a gazillion episodes of Say Yes to the Dress that I will be doing that soon; dress shopping. I saw one episode were this woman went to try on dresses and she couldn't get one on to show, and she wasn't a large woman at all. And then I looked at myself before taking a shower one night and thought, oh gosh...what if that happens to me. I know exactly what would happen. I would shut down, cry and just want to get out of the dress store as fast as I could. I don't want that. I want to be happy and healthy and enjoy this adventure, not be fearful of it.
I've started keeping a food journal and write down everything I eat. Wow! I've also started keeping a work out calendar. I need to be active for at least 30 minutes every night. I took a walk today with E and Bear. It was great. It was a crisp afternoon and we walked at a brisk pace. It was great and I hope to keep this up!
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